LGBTQ+ Consultancy

Research-informed LGBTQ+ consultancy services.

Professional Development

Comprehensive sessions to develop LGBTQ+ inclusive learning environments for all.

School Improvement

Curriculum and leadership development.

About Queer Education Consultancy

Queer Education Consultancy (QueerEd) is dedicated to providing comprehensive consulting services to educational institutions and other learning-focused departments; empowering them to create inclusive and affirming learning environments for LGBTQ+ learners, staff and allies. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by the queer community, our goal is to foster awareness, advocate for policy changes, develop curriculum materials and offer professional development opportunities. By partnering with schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organisations, we aim to build a more inclusive society.

QueerEd originally started as a podcast, based on the principles of queer theory. Since then, QueerEd has developed to support schools and other organisations with developing a truly queer-inclusive culture. We are passionate about ensuring that all our workshops, training and consultancy services are rooted in research as well as building on the lived experiences of the LGBTQ+ community. We believe in the power of collaboration and ensure that all our services are created to empower organisations to make sustained change so that every person in an organisation feels valued, supported and accepted.

Meet David, the founder of QueerEd

Having trained as a primary school teacher, David has over 10 years’ experience within the education sector; over this time, he has developed a wealth of experience and knowledge of equity, diversity, inclusion and whole school leadership; offering a unique perspective on the education landscape. Based upon his lived experiences and professional career, David has fostered a culture of LGBTQ+ inclusion within education spaces and works with schools and other education settings to develop inclusive learning spaces where children and adults can thrive.

David has delivered a range of workshops, keynotes and CPD sessions across the private and public sector. His training material is impactful and ensures that staff at all levels feel empowered to make positive change for LGBTQ+ diversity and acceptance.

As well as an experienced EDI consultant, David supports other organisations develop their inclusive practice. He is a Regional Ambassador for It Gets Better UK, a member of the management committee for SchoolsOUT (the charity behind LGBT+ History Month), and a member of the Association for Science Education’s EDI committee.

David values collaboration and has worked to share best practice through published work for NAHT, the school leaders’ union and the Association for Science Education.


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